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[S] Swoldow's Survivor: Ghost Island

There have been many mistakes that have been made, and someone needs to reverse the curse...
Swoldow's Survivor has undergone 35 seasons of amazing plays, but sometimes, a few mistakes were made, and as a result, someone gets sent home. However, 20 new castaways have a chance to nullify that bad decision. A new twist, entitled 'Ghost Island' is an island someone can visit in exile, and bid their vote on a chance to get an advantage that has been misused by someone who has played prior to them.

Malolo Tribe:
Naviti Tribe:


Episode 1:
Two tribes of ten are cast away in Fiji, and they are told the theme of this season is making failed decisions. The tribemates are immediately put to the test when they must pick a leader. Breadfruit volunteers without anyone's consent for Malolo, and Mary, being the oldest person on Naviti, is picked for them. They are then told to pick two people to compete in a challenge. Breadfruit picks Snow and Tea and Mary picks Troy and Juliette. Despite their... questionable pick for a leader, Malolo wins the challenge and get a shelter building kit.
At Malolo, Snow immediately starts trying to make a move. She starts to flirt with Ray and the two naturally want to control the game together, forming a showmance they manage to keep well hidden. Wanting to form a group of all people that would be deemed as day one threats, Devon and Kathy are also roped into this new four-person group due to their occupations. The four of them have the strategic ability to pull off many crazy moves. Surf begins to notice the group forming, and doesn't really see that as very tubular so he tries and get Devon to align with him by introducing him to his 'chill sessions.' Unfortunately, Devon hates them, prompting a fight between him and Surf.
At Naviti, Damon immediately wants to take charge of the tribe and starts to build trust with Hope, who he really likes. Trey introduces himself, and people are taken aback about him being a Durante. Trey knows that as soon as people knew his last name, he'd be seen as a threat, so he immediately starts painting targets on the backs of others, getting into a fight with Damon and accusing him of playing too hard, too early. Everyone knows that despite Trey's heritage, Damon is playing way harder than him, and everyone wants to naturally align with Trey. Juliette and Meg bond and open up to eachother, and Juliette sees Meg as an easy vote she can manipulate how she wants. Even Hope is starting to not trust Damon, so she starts to build an alliance, bringing in Trey and Juliette initially. Juliette then adds in Meg, the group decides to bring in Troy as well, and Aline and Brant sneak their way into the group too. Damon, Mary, and R2 are on the outs, as Mary screwed the challenge, Damon is a threat, and R2 has been nervous and hasn't cultivated a relationship.
Naviti wins the first immunity challenge, and they have to pick someone to go to Ghost Island and be absent from tribal. They pick Tea. Upon arriving, she is given the opportunity to wager her vote for a secret advantage, and she manages to win it, as it is an idol clue. Malolo now has to go to tribal, and the tribe isn't very happy with Breadfruit's performance in the challenge, as he stood and did nothing for the majority of it. Everyone on Malolo agrees Breadfruit has to go, except for Surf, who sees Breadfruit as a chill dude and would much rather vote for Madelyn who he doesn't sense good vibes from. Breadfruit wants Roxy out for being a social threat, but nobody wants to work with him. Breadfruit is sent home in a 7-1-1 vote.
Tea gets back from Ghost Island, and scared she hasn't formed any bonds due to being absent from tribal, she shares the idol clue she won with Roxy, who immediately stabs her in the back, finding the idol on her own. This idol was the one Connor never got to play in Blood vs Water. Tea realizes what Roxy did and has a meltdown, not expecting to be lied to, and wanting someone to vote with her alliance as a number, Kathy goes to comfort Tea and the two form a strong connection. Armando, wanting to make bonds starts cooking for everyone, and Roxy takes a liking to him, and the two grow close. Roxy says she'll vote for him if he gets her extra rice servings and Armando, immediately agrees, knowing he can use his skills to make there seem like more rice. At Naviti, Troy finds the legacy advantage Penelope misplayed in Egypt. Troy, wanting someone on the outs as a contingency plan talks to R2 and tells him of the idol to gain his trust. Mary, meanwhile, impresses the team with how much she works around camp. Brant, meanwhile, does the opposite, rubbing everyone the wrong way when he tells them about his gruesome pass-times as a child. He is promptly kicked from the alliance as everyone is disgusted by him.
Malolo wins immunity, and Brant is sent to Ghost Island. He is at peace with the island as it is themed around death, but the advantage isn't available so he just lives in isolation for a night. R2 and Mary want to break up the duo of Juliette and Meg by voting Meg, and Damon wants R2 out for being weak in challenges. Aline has a strategic plan, but she wants to use her Brazilian charms to lay underestimated, so she tells Trey her plan, asking him to propose it to the group, promising she will look out for him if anyone tries to gun for him. Trey agrees. The two propose doing a 3-2-1 split vote between R2, Mary, and Damon, and everyone agrees. Troy is mad R2 plans to be the one everyone plans to send home, as he made a bond with him, but he doesn't want to anger anyone immediately so he goes with the plan. R2 goes home in a 4-2-1 vote.

Episode 2:
The tribes are told that they are swapping really early. The new Malolo tribe has Aline, Armando, Brant, Devon, Surf, Juliette, Kathy, Tea, and Trey, while Naviti has Damon, Hope, Madelyn, Mary, Meg, Ray, Roxy, Snow, and Troy.
The only Malolo alliance is cut in two, with Devon and Kathy hoping Ray and Snow can make it out alive on the other side of things. Malolo has majority, but Surf and Tea haven't voted with them, and would flip if given the option. Trey, Aline, and Juliette retain their original alliance, with Brant as the final Naviti member. Trey starts bonding with Devon, hoping the two could work something out, and they get along nicely. Trey throws Brant's name under the bus, as he is a creep, and Devon also already feel uncomfortable by him.
Both the idols are at Naviti camp, and Troy, Mary, Meg, and Hope run the tribe. Damon doesn't want to work with any of them, as they left him out of the conversation, so he starts to bond with Madelyn. Both were on the bottom of their tribes and they plan to work together. Snow and Ray immediately want to throw Roxy under the bus for being untrustworthy, as they know that they have to convince Naviti to spare them and cut Madelyn and Roxy first.
Malolo wins immunity, and Devon, wanting his alliance to have safety, sends Snow to Ghost Island, where there is no advantage for her. Hope, Mary, Meg, and Troy get together and discuss who they want to vote, and they all see Roxy as the least trustworthy. Ray continues to fuel the fire, by spreading lies about her to the women of Naviti. However, Ray hopes an idol gets played, and he plans to vote for Meg. Madelyn, however, knows what Ray is up to, and is sick of it. She tells Damon to vote for Ray, and then tells Roxy she is being targeted by Naviti. Roxy gets extremely paranoid but knows what she has to do. She plans to vote for Hope, because she sees her as the biggest threat, and at tribal, Roxy plays her idol, negating 4 votes. Her jaw drops, however, when Ray is sent home in a 2-1-1-0 vote.

Episode 3:
Hope and Troy celebrate getting through the vote without anyone from Naviti going, and Mary notices how close Hope and Troy are getting, believing she is the third wheel. She immediately wants more power, so she approaches the outsiders, Damon and Madelyn, and a new alliance is formed. Snow gets back from Ghost Island and is appalled that her showmance was did dirty. She assumes someone from Naviti did it, and wants revenge, so she starts spreading lies about Meg to this newly formed alliance. Kathy continues to try and form as many bonds as possible and makes one with Aline, who she finds interesting due to her culture. Aline continues to play dumb, while secretly running things behind the scenes with Trey. Surf starts eating more and more rice daily, which angers Armando and Tea. Tea gets into a fight with Surf as a result.
Naviti wins reward and Armando is sent to Ghost Island. He gets an available advantage, but doesn't want to wager his vote. Malolo wins immunity, and Naviti goes back to tribal. Snow wants everyone to pay for what happened to Ray, so she starts to have side conversations with those on the bottom to make a majority. She talks to Roxy, telling her they have to vote Meg, and then separately talks to Damon, Madelyn, and Mary. A new majority is formed, and Hope starts to get nervous. She talks to Troy about why nobody is talking to them, and Troy's intuition as a cop is to play his idol. He plays it on Meg, negating 5 votes, and sending Roxy home in a 3-0 vote.

Episode 4:
Despite the original alliance's victory, they are still at a minority, and Snow wants to make sure nobody flips back onto them. She uses her charms to make everyone believe she is an asset to tribal life, and Mary, Damon, and Madelyn still want to work with her to vote out Meg. Trey starts to try and convince a Malolo to flip on his tribe, and believes it is best to try and work Tea to his side. The two talk, but Kathy notices what Trey is trying to do and wants Tea to herself. She continues to bond with Tea as well.
Malolo wins reward and they sent Troy to Ghost Island where he finds nothing. Malolo also wins immunity again, sending Naviti back to tribal. Hope doesn't feel comfortable in her alliance anymore, as it is in the minority, but doesn't want that to be apparent, so she plans to calmly morph into a free-agent while being unnoticed. Snow continues to keep the new trio of Damon, Mary, and Madelyn loyal to her interests, and they see her as a shield. As a result, they all want to stick together and keep the majority. Hope, Meg, and Troy want Mary out next due to being super social, so they gun for her, but Meg is sent home in a 4-3 vote.

Episode 5:
The tribes are told that they are swapping again, but this time, into three tribes. Malolo now has Brant, Damon, Kathy, Madelyn, and Snow. Naviti has Armando, Devon, Surf, Tea, and Troy, and the new Yanuya has Aline, Hope, Juliette, Mary, and Trey.
Damon and Madelyn immediately find out that Snow no longer wants to work with them, as she is finally reunited with her alliance member Kathy, and the two girls spend the whole day talking together. Damon wants to pull a fast one on Kathy so Snow can be loyal to their interests, so he starts to bond with Kathy to lull him under a false sense of security, while continuing to bond with Madelyn. Kathy sees through Damon completely, and tells Snow she wants him gone. Snow and Kathy go looking for an idol and Snow finds it, willing to use it on her ally.
At Naviti, Troy is the easy vote, as he is the only Naviti on the tribe, but Devon still gets paranoid, knowing his alliance wont be there to help him. He immediately starts looking for the idol and finds it. After, he begins to smooth things over, and forms a bond with Armando that could potentially help him down the road.
At Yanuya, Trey does the most when building the shelter and everyone is impressed by him. Using this to his advantage, Trey immediately starts painting a target onto Mary's back, for flipping on her tribe, to his old allies, and both Aline and Juliette continue to want to work with Trey as a result.
Naviti and Yanuya win immunity and Malolo goes to tribal. Damon immediately ropes Brant into his plan to get Kathy out, and Brant is all for it. Neither Snow or Kathy want to talk to Brant as he scares them, so Snow decides to resort to playing her idol to get her out of this mess. They plan to stick to their plan to vote Damon, despite him being needed to be kept around for challenges, and hope this move turns the tribe on it's head. Snow plays her idol on Kathy, negating 3 votes, and Damon is sent home in a 2-0 vote.

Episode 6:
Madelyn begins to get desperate as her number one ally got idoled out, so despite not wanting to talk to him at all, Madelyn makes an alliance with Brant, just to get past one more vote, hoping he would go to rocks for her. At Naviti, Troy tries to find a way to get out of being on the bottom, and starts to bond with Armando. Troy didn't want to have to play dirty, but he decides to, telling Armando that Tea approached him, telling him she wats Armando out. Armando is shocked, and wants Tea gone. At Yanuya, Hope knows that the plan is to vote Mary, but is starting to get extra worried, especially since Trey and Aline are close. She goes looking for the idol and finds it. This is the idol that Art didn't use in Heroes vs Villains II, that he went out with in his pocket.
Malolo and Yanuya win reward, and they send Surf to Ghost Island. Surf decides to test his luck and wager his vote, but ultimately loses the chance game and has no vote at tribal anymore. Yanuya and Malolo win immunity, sending Naviti to tribal. Surf tells everyone he lost a vote on Ghost Island and everyone is intrugued. With Surf being unable to vote, hope is restored to Troy. Devon wants to make a move on Surf because he is vulnerable, and a physical threat as well, and proposes this plan to Troy. Troy however, still wants Tea and Armando to turn against eachother. He then tells Tea that Armando is gunning for her, and now both Tea and Armando want eachother out. Troy can now vote however he wants to, and Tea ends up being the one who gets the short end of the stick, in a 2-1-1 vote.

Episode 7:
The tribes merge, but tribal lines are already dissolving. Naviti has one extra person over Malolo, 7-6, but Mary doesn't want to work with her tribe, and would much rather play with Madelyn. She makes it apparent to her tribe that she is not with them, and this angers the rest of Naviti, who all want to work as a group. Aline receives a note in her buff, allowing her to sneak to Ghost Island at night, and when she gets there, she has the opportunity to wager her vote for an advantage but doesn't take it. Snow wins immunity, and immediately bring the alliance of her, Devon, and Kathy together. They all want Mary out, as she is the least trustworthy naviti left in the game, due to flipping. Mary suddenly realizes the error of her ways, and tries to make it up to her old tribe by doing more around camp, and attempting to establish an alliance between her, Aline, Hope, and Surf, but neither Aline or Hope plan to stick with it, and instead those two girls start to flirt with Surf, manipulating him to vote with their tribe. Wanting to get the hot babes and not really caring about his tribe, Surf gladly accepts. Madelyn attempts to try and flip Brant, trying her best to socialize with him but he doesn't budge. Trey and Troy propose the first vote, and they believe that Armando should go first as he is the biggest physical threat of the tribe. Mary talks with her old ally Madelyn about potentially voting Troy, and begs her new alliance do the same, but Aline, Surf, and Hope already have made their choice on who to vote. Armando becomes the first juror in a 7-4-2 vote.

Episode 8:
With the biggest physical threat out of the way, Naviti now wants to shift their focus to the biggest strategic threats. Troy starts to get a read on the Malolos and doesn't trust Devon at all, so he proposes voting for him. Meanwhile, Mary is fuming mad her new alliance voted against her wishes, and straightup leaves it. Hope also starts to try and become more social. She forms a relationship with both Troy and Trey, two of the bigger threats of the tribe. Brant, Devon, Hope, Madelyn, Mary, and Snow win reward, and they choose to send Trey to Ghost Island. He doesn't find a secret advantage. Aline wins her first immunity challenge, and everyone begins to strategize. Since the Malolo tribe is fractured, Juliette suggests splitting the votes 4-3 between Devon and Madelyn, knowing that someone has to have gotten the Naviti idol during the second swap. Kathy, Snow, and Devon start to feel like their days are numbered, but Devon tells his allies of his idol and plans to play it. The three plan to vote for Mary. Meanwhile, Mary and Madelyn plan to vote Devon, as they always saw him as shifty. At tribal, Devon plays his idol, negating 6 votes, and forcing a 3-3 tie between Mary and Medelyn. A revote occurs, and everyone believes Madelyn will be the one to go home, but Aline, Hope, and Surf are still mad at how she treated them after last tribal. They convince Brant to vote Mary, and Mary becomes the second juror in a 7-3 revote.

Episode 9:
After that tribal, Devon is now public enemy number one, and Madelyn is incredibly mad at him for being the reason his closest ally is now out of the game. She talks to Trey and tells him she wants Devon out at all costs, and Trey plans to use her vote to get Devon out. Brant, Surf, Juliette, Kathy, and Trey win reward, and Hope is sent to Ghost Island, who can wager her vote, but chooses not to. Madelyn wins immunity, to make sure she isn't targeted. The plan seems set to vote out Devon, but Juliette and Aline both are starting to get super uncomftorable around Brant, who they believe could strangle them in their sleep. They both have different options in trying to turn everyone against Brant. Aline starts getting to know Kathy, hoping her and Snow can be the ones to help her, but that backfires, when Kathy tells Snow that Aline is trying to manipulate them, causing both to want to vote for her. Juliette meanwhile does more around camp, so everyone trusts her more. Troy believes that Hope came back with an idol, as she told him she didn't lose her vote, and that makes him super suspicious of her. Juliette tries to convince Trey to help her get Brant out, but Trey tells her it would be foolish to give up the majority to Malolo. Trey, Madelyn, Hope, Surf, and Brant still are voting Devon. Devon becomes the third juror in a 5-3-2-1 vote.

Episode 10:
In this episode, the tribes are told that there will be two different tribals, with two different immunity winners. The first group consists of Hope, Kathy, Madelyn, Snow, and Troy, while the second group has Aline, Brant, Surf, Juliette, and Trey. Kathy and Aline win immunity for their separate groups.
In the first group, there are two duos, of Madelyn and Hope, and Snow and Kathy, and both duos want Troy as their swing vote to get the other duo out. Madelyn tries bonding with Troy, but he already doesn't trust her, and also doesn't trust Hope, who he thinks may have an advantage. Kathy takes a different approach, and actually makes an alliance with Troy to get them through the vote. Naturally, Troy would much rather work with Kathy, and Madelyn starts to believe this, so Hope tells her about her idol. Troy, Kathy, and Snow all agree to vote Madelyn together, as she's been on the outs. At tribal, Hope plays her idol on Madelyn, negating three votes, and making Troy the fourth juror in a 2-0 vote.
In the second group, all five members are aligned, and Trey doesn't want to pick off anyone that is loyal to him, so he recommends going for Surf, but both Juliette and Aline still try to get him to vote off Brant, telling him he gutted a fish and scared them with it once. Trey is immediately weirded out, and agrees Brant is way too unpredictable to keep around. Aline and Juliette promise that the three of them will stick together, and a final three deal is made. Quickly roping in Surf, Brant becomes the fifth juror in a unanimous 4-1 vote.

Episode 11:
With that tribal, Malolo and Naviti are now both even, with four players each. Hope starts to regret her decision of idoling out Troy, and believes that her tribe is now against her. She wants to make a move, and go against social threat Aline, so she talks to Kathy and Snow to see if they're on board, and they are surprisingly compliant. Kathy, wanting Hope to get an advantage to help them, wins reward, shares it with Snow, Trey, and Madelyn, and sends Hope to Ghost Island hoping she gets an idol. Hope, however, decides not to wager her vote, believing that it is too big of a risk if she wants her move to work. Madelyn wins her second immunity, and talks to Trey and Juliette about wanting Snow gone, as she is a social threat. Meanwhile, Hope starts to try and get Surf on board with her plan to vote Aline, but Surf, thinking Aline is hotter, tells Aline of Hope and Kathy's plan. Wanting Malolo numbers down, Aline tells Surf to vote Kathy, and she purposefully defies Juliette and Trey's plan to vote Snow. Juliette tries to enforce the vote to Surf but he argues with her, not wanting to be told what to do. At tribal, voted between Snow and Aline tie, 3-3-2, and on the revote, Surf switches his vote to Snow. Snow becomes the sixth juror in a 4-2 revote.

Episode 12:
Hope continues to drift away from her tribe, and starts to bond with Kathy, who is extremely desperate after losing her closest ally. Juliette and Trey are mad at Aline for defying them, but are still glad they got their desired outcome in the end. The two agree they have to break up Surf and Aline so Aline can be loyal to them. Juliette gets into a fight with Surf and this leads Surf to have a meltdown, wondering why this game is no longer chill anymore. Trey also wants to take extra precaution, and goes looking for an idol. He finds the idol, which is the idol Evan used in Game Changers that accidentally sent Astrid, his ally home. Aline and Juliette win reward and share it with Surf, sending Madelyn to Ghost Island. Madelyn wagers her vote and loses. She wins immunity, however, to make sure nothing goes wrong. At reward, Juliette and Surf make up, and Aline and Surf convince her to vote Hope. Trey, however, comes prepared. He tells Kathy that Surf and Aline want her gone, and it is best to vote Surf. He also ropes in Hope. Surf becomes the seventh juror in a 3-2-1 vote.

With Surf gone, Aline has no choice but to work with Trey and Juliette, and Trey tells her that he has an idol to gain her trust. Hope wins immunity and shares reward with Trey and Kathy. Hope and Kathy need eachother and form an alliance on reward. Juliette and Hope also bond, but Hope knows she's closer to Trey than to her. Aline, Juliette, and Trey plan to split votes between Madelyn and Kathy in case someone from Ghost Island has an idol. Hope and Kathy want Aline out for winning lots of challenges and being super social, and Madelyn wants Juliette out. Trey, believing Aline is getting targeted, plays his idol for her, and two votes are successfully negated. Madelyn becomes the eighth juror in a 2-1-1-0 vote.
Aline wins the next immunity, and it becomes more and more evident to Hope and Kathy that Aline, Trey, and Juliette have a final three deal. Trying to get in on that action, Kathy, now the last Malolo standing, talks to Aline and tries to make a last-minute alliance with her, but Aline wants nothing to do with it, as every Malolo on the jury would vote Kathy. Despite this, they see Hope as the bigger threat between her and Kathy, and a straightforward vote occurs. Hope becomes the ninth juror in a 3-2 vote.
Aline wins the final immunity and now gets to pick who she takes to the top three with her, and who has to make fire. Out of everyone, she knows that Juliette is likely the least likely to win between anyone else, as Trey ran the whole game, and Kathy is the final Malolo standing, so it is pretty obvious who she picks. Kathy and Trey now have to face eachother in the firemaking challenge for the final spot in the final three, and Trey beats Kathy, eliminating the final Malolo from the game.
Aline, Juliette, and Trey face the jury and deliver their closing arguments. Aline talks about how she won four immunities, and also played a great social game, using her charms to manipulate Surf into flipping to give Naviti the edge on the first few merge tribals. Juliette tells everyone that she masterminded the strategy behind the votes, voluntarily splitting in anticipation of Devon's idol play for example. Trey tells everyone about how he went into the game with a huge target on his back, especially since his brother played before and was a huge villain, but he put targets on other people, and ran the votes from start to finish when the merge hit. It was a hard decision, but it the jury ultimately put their votes on who was in on most votes. Aline spent many votes trying to get Kathy out to no avail, and Juliette did the same with Madelyn. As a result, Trey Durante is crowned the winner of Swoldow's Survivor: Ghost Island in a 5-4-1 vote.
Hope is crowned fan favorite due to her idol play on Troy, and her underdog game.

Potential Returnees: Trey, Juliette, Aline, Kathy, Hope, Madelyn, Surf, Snow, Troy

Now that that's done, we will be moving onto a season I've been wanting to simulate for a long time. People from different walks of life will be categorized based off of their stories. One tribe of people who have overcame adversity, and the other, with people with some form of privilege. Signups for Swoldow's Survivor: David vs Goliath coming soon!
submitted by swoldow to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

Idea: next iOS update should focus on bettering and expanding existing features, call it an “enhancement update” if you will...

Let me just say I am loving the generations and fame additions. Next up though I feel we should have an update that just focuses on the features already in the game and making them better. Some suggestions for such... bear with me, this is a fairly long list:

1. 👨🏻‍🦱 - I’d love for the ability to select a custom character’s race, and their starting stats (looks, smarts, etc) as well. Also, I’d love to select which country they appear in, cause it’s weird to have a friend named “Bob” pop up in China.
2. 🌎 - We should have the ability to adopt children from nations other than the one you’re living in, or have someone who immigrated from a foreign country periodically pop up as a date option.
3. 🏠 - The ability to rent out houses, as well as to rent rather than buy houses of your own — also, I’d love for the following house type to be added: greenhouse (an environmentally friendly house with lots of glass and solar panels).
4. 🛥 - More assets beyond houses and cars, like the ability to buy a phone, yacht, or private plane. Also the ability to use vehicle assets, like click on a car and “take it for a spin,” or go on vacation with a private plane.
5. 🎰 - New casino mini games, such as roulette and a slot machine.
6. 🎥 - More movie genre options, like horror 👻, fantasy 🏰, or adult 😏. Also, the option to buy concessions, like have “go see movie with concessions” and “w/o” options, picking the latter option adds 4% to happiness, but drains bank account and possibly health.
7. 🏜 - Idea for vacations: alongside being able to travel to cities, have also the option to travel to landmarks, like Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Mount Everest, Great Wall of China, and more.
8. ⛓ - The ability to contact family members while in prison by phone, perhaps up to a max of four or five per year, just so your relationship bars with them don’t just dwindle till your release. Also be able to have visits if you’ve had “good behavior.”
9. 🐠 - I’m quite satisfied with pet options especially with the last update, though there are two I’d still love added: platypuses and blue tang fish (yes I want my own Perry and Dory).
10. ☠️ - I’d love if in the cemetery, gravestones from the same family lineage were grouped together as one slot in the list, like as the “Johnson Legacy” for example.
11. ✈️ - If you immigrate to a different country, you should have the option to fly back for any funerals of family members. Also, if you go on vacation to the city you emigrated from, the relationship bars of any family members still there should go up.
12. 🏙 - The ability to move to a different city within the same country, and also have a chance for your parents to move you around during your childhood (many kids don’t stay in one place, after all😉).
13. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - More family interactions. “Play a Game♟” for example which would have the chance to raise the relationship bar, or lower it if the game gets heated. Also, for your lover exclusively, the option to “send a suggestive pic📱” with the chance they’ll either respond well or poorly to it.
14. ⛪️ - Parents’ religiousness should have a bigger impact on childhood. The possibility a super religious parent would disapprove of your lover for example, or that they may try to set you up with one. They could also argue with you if you have a teen pregnancy.
15. 👥 - The chance of having more than one older sibling upon starting a new life. The chance of having quads when having children (slim, but a chance), and the very slim chance to be born as part of a set of triplets or quads.
16. 👩🏻‍🦰 - More character icon looks. The chance of having straight 👨 or curly 👨‍🦱 hair. The chance of being born as a redhead 👨‍🦰, which would vary by country. Also, in Muslim countries, women characters should use the hijab 🧕 emoji.
17. 🧘‍♂️ - More mind + body options.
• To raise smarts, options like “complete a puzzle 🧩” or “read a nonfiction book 📒”
• To raise happiness and health, options like “go golfing 🏌️” or “read a novel 📚”
• To raise looks, options like “go for a jog 🏃‍♂️” or “take a shower 🧖‍♂️”
18. 🤰 - If abortion is illegal in the country you’re in, you should still be able to try and get one, with two options: “Safe abortion,” which would have chance of arrest, or “unsafe abortion,” which wouldn’t have chance of arrest, but chance of injury or death. Also, men shouldn’t be able to force women to have abortions.
19. 👨‍👦 - If you continue on as your child after you die, and your child is retired, it should show their occupation as retired, not unemployed, and their prior occupation should appear on their gravestone when they die.
20. 💴 - More diversity with currency symbols. Countries like Japan and China, which use the Yen and Yuan respectively, should use the “¥” symbol.
21. 🏥 - Healthcare should be free at point of service in countries with universal healthcare systems, like the U.K., Canada, or Sweden. Also, there should be a chance that a child of yours gets sick in their childhood, especially if you don’t vaccinate, and you have to take them to a doctor.
22. 🎫 - Sometimes you get pop ups involving concerts, but there should also be an option in activities to go to one. Similar to vacations, it would have a drop down menu of artists to choose from, as well as option to choose class of seats, and how many people to take with you.
23. 🐶 - A new interaction with pets should be the ability to “train them,” which would make their smarts go up every so often.
24. 🌙 - A dark mode for those of us who play at night. Seen this idea pop up elsewhere, so figured I’d reiterate it.
25. 📜 - More options with the will, like the ability to leave it to grandkids and the ability to select who to pass on houses, cars or pets to plus have them passed on separate from your bank balance, like have one kid get the house and another get the bank money.
26. 😇 - Show the Karma bar in stats, and add options like “give to charity” into the game as a means to raise it. Also, and this is an entirely new idea, I think it’d be cool if your level of karma at death affects your stats in your next life. :)
27. 🇺🇳 - New countries! Ideas for such: Iceland, Poland, Switzerland, Lithuania, Thailand, Mongolia, Pakistan, Nepal, Madagascar, Morocco, D.R. of the Congo, and Fiji. (My personal top three desires are Thailand, Mongolia, and D.R. of the Congo).
28. 🇺🇸 - I’ve seen a lot of “Sweet Home Alabama” types on the BitLife page, so I propose a new city for the United States: Montgomery, Alabama. Also, I’d love for Honolulu, Anchorage, New Orleans, and Salt Lake City to be added.
29. 🏀 - More stuff with sports.
• Sometimes you see things like “you took X to a football game” for example, so that should be an option in activities. You’d have different sports to choose, like genres of movies, such as football, baseball, soccer, or cricket. Also, the option to take family members with you.
• Secondly, now that we have fame, we should definitely have a professional sports career added into jobs, as well as a sports degree added to university (that would be so fitting with the new option to buy kids into university).
30. ⚫️ - More job options! I’ve already made a list of this (here: Jobs Ideas but to highlight a few:
• 🍭 - Candy Store Worker
• ♥️ - Cardiologist
• 🎞 - Film Maker
• ⛏/⚱️ - Miner (Coal/Gold)
• Also, the pro sports career which I listed earlier.
31. 👺 - More crime options!
• Kidnapping (👶) as one. It would make a child appear in your relationships section (similar to cars in assets with stealing cars), they’d start out at 0 with their relationship bar, and you’d have the option to choose how to interact with them. Obviously, each year (until they turn 18) you’d have chance of being arrested, or being arrested right off the bat.
• Hire a Hitman (🔫) as an alternative to murdering someone yourself. You’d have several choices for hire, and the more money you pay, the better the odds of success and (more importantly) not getting caught.
• Embezzlement (👔) - steal something from your place of work and then sell it to make money. Your place of work would determine what’s up for grabs, like if you’re a pharmacist for example, you could sell drugs.
• Robbery Options - have option to select what type of building to rob alongside a house. Add in the option to rob a bank or store.
32. 🎀 - New ribbons!!
• Gold Digger (⚱️) - marry only wealthy partners, make at least $10M from divorce settlements or their inheritances.
• Debtor (🤐) - take out loans whenever given the option, such as for university, when buying a house and car, etc. Die with a negative net worth of at least -$1M.
• Foolhardy (🍀) - win a lottery prize of at least $1M before age 40, squander it all on extravagant purchases, die before age 80 with a negative net worth and depression.
• R Rated (👠) - become a pornographer, get famous, only ever do nude related things in “fame” section of activities, go clubbing a lot, always hook up whenever given the chance, get happy ending for massages whenever given chance too. In general, be a dirty person.
• Darwinist (🦁) - have at least ten instances of a pet eating another pet during your lifetime, and always reward the pet whenever they do it.
• Father and Son (👨‍👦) - live a life as a male and continue as your son after you die. Live that son’s life in a very similar manner. Get the same occupation, the same type of house, get married if your father was married, etc.

That is all, but yes, in general an update that focuses on enhancing and expanding existing features as opposed to one that adds a whole new concept I think should be next in line. There’s just so much that could be done :) comment your thoughts and ideas below👇
submitted by psherman_ to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]


The boring stuff-
MAC NORDSTROMS FINEST 15 PAN PALETTE. I Bought this for Cork and Soft Brown. Only used a few times. If anyone knows how to depot these, i'd love to know! But otherwise, Retail $65. Yours for $38.
SMASHBOX DOUBLE EXPOSURE. Used maybe 2 times. Retail $42. Yours for $18.
LORAC PRO UNZIPPED GOLD. Small Dips in a few shades. Retail $42. Yours for $21.
KYLIE COSMETICS BRONZE PALETTE. Pretty light usage. Retail $42. Yours for $24.SOLD
SMASHBOX COVERSHOT PALETTE. SHADE ABLAZE. Used a few times, one shade has hard pan. Retail $29. Yours for $18.
TARTE TARTIEST PRO TO GO EYE PALETTE. Used 4 times. Retail $23. Yours for $14.
COLOURPOP GOLDEN STATE OF MIND PALETTE. Swatched a few times. Retail $26. Yours for $12.
COLOURPOP DOUBLE ENTENDRE PALETTE. Used a few times. Retail $16. Yours for $9.
COLOURPOP SEMI PRECIOUS. STILL IN BOX. Swatched. Retail $26. Yours for $14.SOLD
CROWN FUEGO PALETTE. Used 2 times. Retail $29.99. Yours for $8.SOLD
PUR X BOXYCHARM PALETTE. Swatched 2 times. Retail $36. Yours for $8.
PUR BRONZE AND BRIGHTEN FACE PALETTE. Swatched. Retail $24. Yours for $3.SOLD
thank you for looking!
submitted by boujeebabe to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Ever have a night where you think, "Nah, i'm good"

Last night, I go out around 9pm with the intention of driving until 2-3am. First call is close to home. As I get to the location "Rider cancelled". OK, collect fee move on. I get a 11 minute pickup at the casino, as soon as I start pulling into casino "Rider canceled". WTF, collect $9 cancellation fee. I leave casino because it has bad cell service and I won't receive requests there. I'm 15 minutes away from casino, I get another call. I hesitantly say Screw it and accept. Rider has different name. PHEW. This guy is there and I pick him up. He was a little off his rocker crazy, but harmless. I was driving him to the "Local dispensary". Our gas station pot store (totally legal here in WA). He asks if he can go in and I wait. I said, if I wait 5 minutes I end the ride and you can call a new uber. He was in and out in 2 minutes. Has a massive bag of weed that stunk super bad. Now he wants me to stop at a gas station to get fiji water. I just said wtf at this point the night had been so odd anyways. So he literally goes in and buys about 30 bottles of fiji water. OKKKK. I drop him off, 3 star him, and sign off for the night. Something fishy was in the air lol.
submitted by Alexbran1 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

Huge destash!! Mainly mid-high end, desperate to get rid of this stuff! Natasha Denona 5 pan palettes, & sculpt&glow in light-med, lots of face & lip products -- come take a look for el cheapo :)

Hello MUE, back again! Please take my stuff that I no longer need/use/want!! (Lol did we ever really NEED these? Just want :P )
Few rules plz:
Verification of de hoopla
Eyeshadow Palettes
Nail Polish
All brushes / tools will be sanitized and washed prior to shipping
thank you for looking loves!!
submitted by mishkabearr to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

HUGE destash! Tons of unique items for el cheapo! Natasha Denona Lila, Morphe 39A, Lorac Mega Pro 3, ABH glow kits & becca x jaclyn hill, tons of gorgeous lips - plz help me get rid of this

Hello MUE, back again! Please take my stuff that I no longer need/use/want!! (Lol did we ever really NEED these? Just want :P )
Few rules plz:
Verification of de hoopla
Eyeshadow Palettes
All brushes / tools will be sanitized and washed prior to shipping
Nail Polish
thank you for looking loves!!
submitted by mishkabearr to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Help me destash! Lots of fabulous mid-end and high-end items!

Hello all! It’s sale time! US only! Shipping$3.50-$5 from IL. I will go by time stamps!!!! If two people post in the same minute, I will keep trying to refresh until I can figure out which is first. Gotta be fair, ya know! $10 minimum! After I respond to your request—you have 2 hours to promptly communicate and pay before I pass on to the next. If you need more time—please communicate this!
Willing to bundle prices if multiple items purchased, make an offer if you don't like my price!
I prefer gifted payments through paypal! I will charge extra for invoice or payments sent goods and services.
If it is not listed here or is crossed through--it is sold
FLAIR-part 4
WISHLIST! Will gladly swap for any of these beauties! Probably not interested in buying, unless for a good deal
• Tom Ford Pablo lipstick
• La Mer!
• GA eyes to kill mascara-new only, full size
• GUERLAIN PRESSED METEORITES especially the pearl one
• guerlain cruel gardenia
• Try me on Dolce and Gabanna blushes, especially tan
• La Prairie foundation and powder
• Nars el auga liner
• Dior nude air luminizers
• Kevyn Aucoin sculpting powder
• La prairie blush in apriot
• Burberry cashmere concealer
• Morphe brushes: E2, E3, E4, E53, M523, M438, M501, M441, M433
• Charlotte tilbury liner in pink venus
• cle de peau foundations or concealers
• Drunk Elephant products
• Mid/High end liquid lipsticks in nude pinks or baby pinks
• By Terry Sexy Pink Blush • Kevyn Aucoin sculpting powder
• Marc Jacobs brushes
• Beauty blender in “bubble” the light pink one
• Milk cosmetics blur stick
• Huda beauty lashes in Samantha
• Velour lashes
• Hourglass mineral veil primer full size only
LIPS (All bullets fully rolled up)
• smashbox vivid violet--$6
• lorac baby doll--$4
• too faced shimmer marshmallow bunny, only swatched--$9
• MAC viva glam rihanna in regular bullet --$8
• MAC dreaminess little melted see pic--$8
• bare minerals never say never--$2
• MAC viva glam miley--$8
NARS audacious Michiyo, slightly melted on slide--$14
• NARS full frontal--$11
• MAC girl about town--$9
• MAC so select--$10
• Smashbox magenta matte--$7
• Burberry nude beige--$17
• YSL rouge pur couture #19--$17
• Lipstick queen private party--$17
• KVD Agatha--$5
• MAC dodgy girl---$9
• MAC strip poker--$9
• Urban Decay Matte after dark--$9
MAC heroine--$7
• Clinique Bumble Gum Pop--$2
• smashbox lip laquer pout, only swatched--$7
• Double wear eterna plum, only swatched--$3
• Clinique chunkiest chili used 2x--$7
• Marc Jacobs truth or dare--$5
• Cargo Anguilla gloss only swatched--$3
• Too faced melted frosting- used 1x -$9
• colourpop bad habit-new--$2
• MAC rhythm new--$4
• MAC love day pink, new--$4
• NARS Cruella mini only swatched x2--$3
• Clinique woo me, new--$4
• YSL glossy stain #30 50% remaining--$4
• Colourpop midi used 4x--$2
Jeffree Star virginity, new--$14
Jeffree Star 714, new--$14
• Bite mimosa, new--$3
• Bite eleven, new--$3
• Makeup revolution keep lying for you, new--$2
Jeffree Star rose matters, new--$14
• Jeffree Star I’m nude, new--$14
Jeffree Star baby spice, $12
• Jeffree Star Jeffree’s Girl, $12
• Jeffree Star Grandaddy Purp, new--$12
• Makeup atelier liquid lipstick camelia, used 1x--$5
• MAC divine divine, used 1x--$10
• ABH sweet talker, used 1x--$14
• ABH retro coral, used 2x--$12
• Lush lipstick in charm, used 1x--$12 expires Oct 2017
• Sara Happ lip slip used 3x--$12
Charlotte Tilbury Liv it up--$18
• Tom Ford Luca--$20
• Tom Ford John--$20
• Natasha Denona #51 medium smokey rose--$12
• YSL rouge volupte shine #19--$22
• Hourglass fever--$16
• Marc Jacobs boom--$11
KVD susperia new--$15
KVD melancholia only swatched--$14
KVD Lolita only swatched--$14
• KVD noble used 3x--$12
• KVD Armageddon used 2x--$12
ABH American doll used 2x--$12
• MAC have your cake--$11
MAC whirl--$11
• MAC flat out fabulous--$10
• MAC pink pigeon--$10
• MAC pure zen--$9
• MAC fashion revival--$11
• MAC viva glam nicki--$10
• MAC Steady going--$10
• KVD coven mini new--$4
NARS bound new--$4
• Tarte nameste new--$4
UD amulet new--$4
• Stila bella new--$4
• Laura Mercier bare naked--$4
• YSL volupte tint-in-oil Cherry my Cherie 5 new-$3
• Clinique sweetie pop mini--$4
• Smashbox nude fair, new--9
• Smashbox melon, new--$9
• Guerlain cupidon--$9
Bite glace mini, new--$5
• dolce and gabbana dolce dolcezza 212--$16
• Mac up the amp--$10
• Chanel rouge allure velvet la diva--$16
• Bite lilac---$14
• Guerlain shine automatique 260--$6
• Bite Kir Royale mini--$4
• ABH lip gloss in dollhouse new--$10
Chanel rouge coco stylo 212 recit used cannot confirm usage as this stick does not allow product to be retracted once rolled up, believe it was used <5 times--$5
House of lashes noir fair lite new--$7
House of lashes iconic new--$7
• Flutter Ashley new--$12
Flutter islay--$7
• Urban decay naked smoky palette most shades unused--$30
• Makeup Forever artist shadow palette 15 pans most pans unused--$29
• Urban Decay primer potion in sin--$4
• Smashbox brow definer dark brown--$4
• UD midnight cowboy--$8
Urban decay big bang shadow--$3
• Mac sweet acting used 1x--$10
• Lancome miss sweetheart D only swatched--$3
• Nars tatar--$5
• Dior spring bouquet quint--top no longer attaches (still have top that will be used to secure during shipment)--$9
• Edward Bess Cosmic Bliss--$20
• Benefit big beautiful eyes--$5
• Chanel les 4 ombres 208 tisse gabrielle--$20
• Kat Von D Shade and Light Eye--$30
• Smashbox midnight liner used 4x--$5
• Smashbox blue print liner used 2x--$6
• Chanel seafoam--$11
• Nars Madison avenue used 1x--$13
Urban decay stash--$5
• MAC photogravure used 1x--$10
• Benefit brow zing in light--$6
Laura Mercier cavier stick in cocoa--$12
• Buxom mascara in blackest black, new--$5
• smashbox 24 hour finish eyeshadow primer mini new--$4
milk eye pigment silent disco mini new--$4
• UD eye liner in perversion--$9
• smashbox 3D night gem used 2x--$10
Laura Mercier caviar stick in plum new--$12
• Chane stylo yeux waterproof liner in blanc--$12
Marc Jacobs o mega lash mascara in blacquer new--$5
• Clinique high impact mascara in black new--$5
• benefit brow conditioning primer 0.03 oz--$4
• MUFE single I-634--$9
• MUFE single ME-624--$9
• Fresh soy conditioning eye makeup remover mini new--$4
• Too faced mascara melt off mini new--$4
• Fiona Stiles sweetwater used 2x---$13
• Fiona Stiles Pomander walk, only swatched--$15
• Tarte adored used 1x--$12
• Bare minerals the French kiss used 3x--$3
• Bare minerals miracle 90% remaining--$3
• Stefan cosmetics bride blush never been used--$7
• Amazing cosmetics pink chocolate blush only swatched-$7
NARS gaiety used 5x--$15
• Lancome Lilac love used 1x--$12
• Mac dame--$15
• Lorac prism--$15
• Dior cheek cream 851 capri--$14
• NARS multiple Malaysia--$18 packaging a little sticky
• Chanel poudre universelle libre 130 beige lumiere (limited edition) 70% remaining--$18
• L’Occitane perfecting mist--$12
• Mac faintly fabulous mineralized skin finish used 1x--$15
• Mac warm rose mineralized skin finish used 1x--$15
• Stefan cosmetics highlighter only swatched--$5
• Stefan cosmetics contour duo never been used--$5
Stila bronzer 02 used 2x--$3
• Tarte smooth operator bronzing finishing powder 90% remaining--$9
Too faced bronzed and poreless slightly bumpy used 5x--$9
• NARS craving duo--$16
Urban Decay Gwen Stephanie blush palette--$22
• Laura Mercier mineral powder in real sand--$16
Becca perfect skin mineral powder foundation in fawn heavy usage--$4
Becca shimmer skin perfector pressed champagne glow palette--$15 (blushed copper is broken, will ship as is if buyer wants to repress, otherwise the price of this product is really only for the champagne pop and pearl)
• Elcie micro silque foundation in sand 90% remaining--$18
Laura Mercier oil free supreme sunny beige 60% remaining--$10
Marc jacobs remarkable full coverage foundation in shade 54 at least 80% + remaining--$22
• Dior nude air in shade #21 95%+ remaining--$26
• It cosmetics celebration illumination foundation medium—big dip off to the side--$7
• Mac studio careblend pressed in dark used 3x--$11
• Bobbi brown sheer finish pressed powder soft sand used 5x--$12
• Marc Jacobs perfection powder 300 beige--$17
• Purely cosmetics diamond perfect finish 99% remaining--$3
• Younique mineral concealer corrector shade fresh 90%+ remaining--$10
• Beseme french vanilla powder 75% + remaining--$11
• Charlotte Tilbury mini eye miracle wand #2 used 3x on concealer, not used on the eye cream side--$16
• Dior studio sculpt concealer in 003 used 2x--$10
• FACE atelier #1 ultra camoflauge duo light 90% remaining--$5
• Anastasia full coverage concealer 1.0 used 2x--$12
Josie maran vibrancy foundation mini in awakened, new--$3
Too faced born this way concealer in light, used 1x--$12
Urban Decay naked skin concealer in light warm, used 1x--$14
Chanel perfection lumiere 30 beige 90% remaining--$29
dermacol foundation high cover makeup in 218 used 2x--$10
• Chanel double perfection lumiere 30 beige--$29
• Chanel double perfection perfection in 115 suede--$12
• By Terry cellularrose brightening cc lumi serum in rose elixir--$29
• Clarins instant concealer 01—50-60% remaining--$7
• Makeup atelier waterproof fluid concealer FLWAI1 used 4x--$6
• Makeup atelier waterproof fluid concealer FLWAP used 4x--$6
• Makeup atelier waterproof gel concealer CGA0 used 2x--$6
• Makeup atelier cream concealer C/CA1 used 2x--$6
• Bare minerals summer bisque multi tasking concealer, new--$5
• Smashbox LA lights hollywood and highlight, used 2x--$6
• Shu uemura foundation stick 754 (rolled all the way up)--$8
• YSL touche elcat radiance awaking foundation shade B50 honey, new--$2
• Josie Maran argan enlightment illuminizer 0.23 fl oz used 3x--$4
• Bare minerals pure radiance mini, 75% remaining--$3
Charlotte Tilbury Bar of Gold used 2x--$30
• Artist Couture diamond glow powder in coco bling used 2x--$14
Dior diorskin nude air glowing gardens 002 glowing nude used 3x--$36
ABH Riviera illuminator swatched only--$16
• Bobbi brown corrector in light bisque says “charlotte” on front in a silver sharpie (RIS) swatched only--$13
• Josie Maran argan enlightment illuminizing veil 0.137 used 1x--$5
• Glow cult illuminating highlight in “lit up” used 1x--$11
• Tom Ford illuminating primer--$37
• Becca shimmering skin perfector in opal 0.34 oz new--$4
• ABH mimosa--$10
• Sephora sculptor contour in tranquil 26 swatched only--$5
• Sephora Fiji bronzing face powder--$5
• Nars laguna--$20
• Nars casino--$20
• MUFE pro bronze fusion 30M--$18
• UD beached bronzer in bronzed--$16
NARS goulue mini 0.14 oz new--$6
• Marc Jacobs 202 naughty blush--$15
Becca camellia--$16
• MAC fuji received this in a kit, so I believe it is a small size--$10
By Terry bohemian flirt--$32
• Estee Lauder lover’s blush--$10
• Bobbi Brown Classic Eye and Cheek Palette 4 shadows: bone, heather mauve, sadde and mahogany 1 blush: pale pink--$10
• Koh gen do maifanshi pressed powder--$29
Ben Nye Super White powder swatched only- 1.75oz --$6
• Beseme brightening vanilla rose powder 90% remaining-$13
• Beseme brightening vanilla powder 70% remaining --$10
NARS translucent crystal light reflecting setting powder 50% remaining--$15
• real techniques metals collection 100--$9
• Bare minerals pure skin transformer in light used 1x--$6
• Sulwhasoo finisher—transferred this pump bottle--$28
• First air beauty deep cleanser 1.0 oz- new-$4
• Amazing cosmetics line smoother + primer used 5x--$10
• First aid beauty face cleanser 1.0 new--$4
Josie Maran 100% pure argan oil light, new--$3
• Clinique happy body cream 2.5 fl oz, new-$6
• clinique pep start 2 in 1 exfoliating cleanser--$2
• Proactiv skin purifying mask 1.0 oz, new--$4
Fresh rose face mask 0.6 oz, new--$3
• Nars optimal brightening concentrate 70% remaining--$10
• Pureology strength cure fabulous lengths treatment, used 2x--$12
Fresh honey mask 0.5 oz new--$3
• Shiseido ultimune power infusing concentrate 0.33 new--$6
Estee Lauder advanced night repair 0.24 oz new--$5
Estee Lauder advanced night repair 0.24 oz new--$5
• Estee Lauder Resilience life 0.5 oz new--$5
• Estee Lauder Perfectly clean 1oz new--$3
• Peter Thomas Roth Irish moor mud cleanser 1 oz new--$4
• Peter Thomas Roth cucumber gel mask 1oz new--$4
• Deva curl whip it good wave maker 1.5 oz new--$4
Christophe Robin regenerating mask with rare prickly pear seed soil new--$4
• Patchology flashmasque illuminate with touch of lace new--$4
• Sunday Riley Good Genes 15ml 60% remaining-, no cap-$25
• Nume pearl wand--$16
submitted by kristinelexis to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Get the fuck out of our work space!!

I am a cocktail waitress at a casino, and it was busy and chaotic as fuck last night for us. We were giving away a bunch of small shit on top of a car giveaway. It was terrible.
So anyways, we have this one guest. She's a top-tier member, so this basically means we have to essentially bow down to her at all times even though she's cheap as fuck, doesn't tip, and is just rude and horrible altogether. (I mean this lady wears the same outfit every single day, how is she a top-tier member??)
We have our two service bars that we work in to get our drinks and get out. This lady knows where both of them are. Our guests are technically supposed to be gambling when they order drinks, but with her status at our casino, we have to give her whatever the fuck she wants, whenever.
So this bitch has started making it a point where when she doesn't want to wait anymore, she will camp out outside of our service bars and screetch, "FIJI!" in the most pathetic dialect I've ever heard until one of us caves in and does it for her while we receive our $0 tip.
I feel like I should also mention that we do have a main bar where guests can go to just sit and drink where she can also go and get her drinks for free there too. But does she ever do that? No. She will literally invade our personal space, while 9 of us (busy as fuck) running our asses off back and forth with 16+ drinks on our tray at a time.
We ignore her to the best of our ability, because everyone - even surveillance - knows how she is. But I finally told my supervisor last night that something had to be done. We can't keep having her think it's okay to literally death grip us by the arm and demand her free drinks. So hopefully next weekend when this bitch is here, we can do something about it. Because since it's a casino, we have to kiss ass extra hard. Ugh.
TL;DR bitch keeps thinking it's okay to come into our service bars and interrupt our work flow because she thinks she's a hot shot. Seriously, I don't go out to eat and stand in the middle of the kitchen demanding shit, wtf is wrong with you?
submitted by simplywhitney to TalesFromYourServer [link] [comments]

Apparently I have a guardian angel at work now.

Let me start off with a little bit of background. About two weeks ago this happened, and I actually meant to write about it on here but it totally slipped my mind and I just didn't care anymore until last night.
I'm a cocktail waitress at a casino, and we have strict rules as to giving out certain things. Most things are complimentary as long as you're gaming with the exception of obvious things. One of those things being Fiji water. We can only serve Fiji water if the player is a top tier member, or if we charge for it.
I had a 40-something year old lady get into it with me, because I told her I could not serve it to her and why I couldn't. She kept saying, "Just give it to me, you have no idea how much money I spend here, blah blah blah" not my problem, just doing my job. Keep in mind, I'm slammed shit busy, and I have two sections I must tend to but she's just holding me up just to bitch to me about goddamned Fiji water, when I offered her our regular bottle of water, which in her words "tastes like dirt." K.
Anyway, psycho Fiji zombie flips out, gets management involved, of course nothing comes of it. They just tell her the same thing I did, blep-blop. She complains about me, saying I was "not attentive" even though every time I came around she had to call her husband and asked if he wanted a drink "while the drink lady is here."
It was annoying as fuck, but I was over it the next day. But last night, I had a lady who looked familiar-ish come up to me and ask me my name. She told me she was sitting next to that lady that night, and she was going through all of this stuff to make sure that my management knew I didn't do anything wrong. Of course I didn't get in trouble to begin with because I was following the rules, but it just meant a whole lot to me that someone cared enough to go through the means of looking out for me. Good people are still out there, y'all :'D
submitted by simplywhitney to TalesFromYourServer [link] [comments]

My Jukebox Custom Playlist

As I don't like Tekken 7's generic WUB WUB tracks so much, and I know the old soundtracks very well, I've decided to create my own custom playlist using the Jukebox feature. Tekken music is no SF3, but I think I got some good stuff going nonetheless. Anyways, if anybody is interested in changing up their songs, here are my recommendations:
Mishima Dojo 1 Baek Doo San (Double Drumming Mix) / Tekken 2
Mishima Dojo 2 Formless Like Water / Tekken 5
Forgotten Realm 1 Ogre Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Forgotten Realm 2 Sacred Dark / Tekken 6
Jungle Outpost 1 Edge of Spring / Tekken 6
Jungle Outpost 2 Estrada da Estrela / Tekken 5
Arctic Snowfall 1 Frozen Parade / Tekken 5
Arctic Snowfall 2 Amnesia / Tekken 5
Twilight Conflict 1 Law Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Twilight Conflict 2 Bryan Fury (Console ver.) / Tekken 3
Dragon's Nest 1 Jin Kazama -Far East Mix- / Tekken Tag 2
Dragon's Nest 2 Into Nirvana / Tekken 5
SOUQ 1 Fear to agonize / Tekken Revolution
SOUQ 2 stained orange / Tekken Tag 2
Mishima Building 1 Jack-2 (Industrial Drum Edition) / Tekken 2
Mishima Building 2 Midtown Roars / Tekken 6
Abandoned Temple 1 YUKI / Tekken 6
Abandoned Temple 2 Stalking Wolves / Tekken 5
Duomo Di Sirio 1 Moonlit Wilderness -D.T.O Mix- / Tekken Tag 2
Duomo Di Sirio 2 Snow Castle -Mundus Arrange- / Tekken Tag 2
Arena 1 Splashing Casino / Tekken 6
Arena 2 Twist & Scream / Tekken 5
G Corp Helipad (Night) 1 Nina Williams (Console ver.) / Tekken 3
G Corp Helipad (Night) 2 Nina Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Brimstone & Fire 1 Q / Tekken Revolution
Brimstone & Fire 2 Antares / Tekken 5
Precipice of Fate 1 Authentic Sky / Tekken 4
Precipice of Fate 2 The Inner Shrine / Tekken 4
Violet Systems 1 Xiaoyu Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Violet Systems 2 Yoshimitsu Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Kinder Gym 1 School Stage (Console ver.) / Tekken Tag
Kinder Gym 2 Sadistic Xmas / Tekken Tag 2
Infinite Azure 1 Touch and Go / Tekken 4
Infinite Azure 2 Fear / Tekken 4
Geometric Plane Hacked / Tekken 6
Select Character Silent Assassin (Cool Headed Mix) / Tekken 2
Warm-Up Space Chopper / Tekken Revolution
Customization Fiji (Arcade ver.) / Tekken
There are some I left untouched and some I still want to find a better one to put instead (Mishima Dojo 2, Jungle Outpost 2 and Twilight Conflict 1). Anyways, what do you guys think? Do you have your own Playlist you could share?
submitted by Dark_Vincent to Tekken [link] [comments]

I used to be a slut, but now I am not.

As of my 23rd birthday, I have blown 39 different guys and fucked 27 of them, yourself included. I don’t know how many mouths I’ve sucked on and some how I don’t know how I haven’t caught an STD. I don’t know whether or not I want to tell you all the details, but I know writing them out here will help me decide what I want to say to you. I don’t know if I’ll post this or not, if I post it, it’s because I decided I won’t tell you unless you ask, which I know you never will because you don’t care about the details of my past.
I hadn’t seen a dick of a man until my second year of university, when I was newly 19. I was high and he was drunk and some how we ended up in the bushes in the night with his pants down and me touching my first dick. He asked if he could touch me too but I was too scared and said no. I gave him a few pumps but my nerves got to me and I was so scared that God will hate me that I made up my excuse that my hand was tired and left with him an unsatisfied boner.
I touched my second dick 5 months after that in a hotel room at a conference under the sheets but again quickly stopped because there were other people in the room. He was also my first kiss.
I can recall the instant that caused me to go off the wire and become a slut and that’s on my 20th birthday when my good friend decided to take me out and again somehow we ended up on a couch that night with me giving him a handjob and stopping because our friends were also sleeping in that room. I remember the next day looking forward to hanging out and then seeing him with another girl and introducing her as his girlfriend. I felt a little betrayed, and I know we talked about it later but that really hurt. We try to be friends again, but the damage is done, and I don’t think we can ever be close again.
After that, I went out clubbing for the first time. To get my mind off of the friend. Met a cute Italian, he gave me his number and told me to come over for a movie sometime. So I did go over naively thinking it was a movie. It wasn’t. We had Scary Movie part whatever playing in the back but no one was watching. That was the first time I had a guy go down on me and try to finger me. I tried to give him a blowjob but he was uncut and I think I pulled the foreskin too far down so he made me stop. He asked me to have sex but I didn’t want to admit I was a virgin so I said no.
He was a TA at my uni, so we met up after his office hours one day and he fingered me on his desk and asked again for sex and I said no. So we stopped talking after that. I never came from him fingering me.
For Halloween my friend and I decided to go to Boston Pizza and we hung out with another group of guys. A couple of them invited my and my friend home to smoke some weed with them, and we said yes. On the way back home, one of them grabbed me and starting making out by the fences. Then tried to finger me in public and I said no. And he said, ok lets wait till we get home. And I looked at my friend who seemed to be having fun with the other guy and didn’t wanna intrude on their good time so I said yes and we went back to their place. He wanted to have sex right away and tried to go down on me but I didn’t want to so he fingered me instead, it was very hard and I remember bleeding on his white sheets. I don’t think he noticed but he kept insisting on sex and I said no and knocked on the other guys door to grab my friend and we left. The guys weren’t too happy and didn’t even let us wait inside for our cabs.
I went to some bars and pubs with friends and made out with random guys, I don’t even know their names. One of them was my classmates cousin. This went on till the summer that year.
I moved to a new city temporarily for my summer job and the first month I was pretty focused on work. But then I was curious, and I was bored and I was lonely. I posted to gonewild and I would chat with guys and I really liked the attention. It was all always hidden from my friends and family. I never used my name, I never posted my location and I was very secretive. I never showed my face.
Then I got the bright idea to post to craigslist. I liked the attention guys gave me and I wanted to get better at sucking a dick. That’s how I found myself parked in a deserted street in a random guys truck who responded to my ad. I sucked his dick and he fingered me, I didn’t come, and that was that. After that I would meet up with multiple guys all from craigslist during different times of the week.
I met with a guy who I played tennis with. We would do this regularly; play tennis and then go back to his place and fool around while his dog barked at me. I would fake coming when I had enough. I stopped seeing him when he threatened not to take me home after I kept refusing to have sex with him.
Then I met this guy that would drive an hour to come see me. We would fool around but he was so nice, he wanted to take me out and drove me to some nice landmarks. We would even hold hands sometimes. He was okay with me refusing to have sex, he knew I was a virgin and was happy with eating me out and letting me suck him off. Until one day things got too heated and his dick was so close my pussy and I was so wet and he just slid himself in. And it just went in, I thought there would be more resistance or blood but no he just slid right in. I freaked out and made him pull out and he asked me if I was okay and if he can do that again. I said no, lets pretend it didn’t happen, I am not ready. Faked coming with him too. He stopped replying to my texts after that and then I never heard from him again.
I was so devastated that I had let a dick enter me, to a guy who I didn’t even love, who I wasn’t married to, that I cried every night for a week. I deleted every guy in my phone and I distanced myself from guys in general.
I was doing well until a guy at work 25 years my senior starting being friendly with me, I thought at first he was just being nice but then he asked me if I wanted to go for a ride on his motorbikes and I love motorbikes so I said yes. He drove us around for a few hours and it was the thrill of the ride or rush of the wind or just something about the bike that really got to me and he kissed me after it was done and then dropped me home and fingered me in the driveway and it was feeling good until he then asked me to take a video of myself masturbating and send it to him and I thought that was really weird so I stopped talking to him.
I found myself talking to another guy I was seeing as well from my craigslist post. He was in the same field I was in university, and he was so charming. He never pushed me for sex and was quite content making out, fooling around and letting me suck him. He had the biggest cock I’ve ever seen; honestly so huge I couldn’t fit him in my mouth. And he was aggressive in just the right way, he would choke me, pull my hands down and pull my hair when it was perfect. For some reason, I still would never finish with him, but would fake it so he didn’t feel bad. He also thought that I was a virgin. He told me about this app called Tinder which was easier than craigslist and I can see the people I would be interested in.
So I got it, and boy oh boy did it open up another whole world for me.
I had three dates lined up with three different guys in one week. The first guy and I went to the park, came home and I sucked him off. We never talked again. The second guy and I went to sushi and he wouldn’t come home with me and told me he wanted to take it slow, so we just made plans to hang out again some other time.
The third guy was a impulse decision. I bussed to another city to meet him, he picked me up from the station and drove me to his house, we were going to watch a movie and “cuddle”. I actually thought we were going to cuddle but when we got on his bed, he just wanted to fuck. When I said no, he got skeptical and asked me if I really bussed all the way just to cuddle and I don’t know why, I honestly don’t know why I didn’t say yes, but I said okay, no I didn’t. And then he fucked me. I had no idea what to do, and it kind of hurt so I just laid there. He would go really fast, pound me, then come on my stomach, wipe it off with a shirt, then lay rest for a bit and be ready to go again. Before each time he would ask me to blow him to get him ready and when I asked him to go down on me, he said he doesn’t like doing that so he would finger me instead. I don’t remember how many times he fucked me, but it did hurt. I didn’t bleed and he never knew he was my “first” if we’re not counting the accidental dick slip from before. He never tried to make me come. He dropped me at the station the next morning and I never replied to his texts.
I figured now I am no longer a virgin, and that deserves more insanity in meeting guys, but before that I needed to fuck the big cock aggressive guy. So I told him I wanted him to be my first because he still thought I was a virgin, and he came over and very slowly put his big dick deep inside me and stretched me out. It felt really good and I might have come but he had to stop because he was going to come and then I started bleeding a lot, I guess that was when maybe my hymen actually broke or something because there was a lot of bright blood and it wasn’t my period.
I met up with sushi guy again, we actually became really good friends. We started hanging out a lot, going to parks, going to restaurants. He would eat me out, I would pretend to get off, I would suck him and swallow his cum. I tried to initiate sex with him, but wanted to take it slow and would always get soft when I tried to put him in. So we just never had sex. I stopped seeing him because I felt that it was starting to become very close to dating and I didn’t want to date anyone. I was having too much fun.
I had sex with a random guy I met at a bus station in his car, parked off to the side after he messaged me on tinder asking me if I cleaned pipe. I had no idea what that meant but he was hot so I said ok.
I had sex with a half arab guy who after eating me out told me when I came because he could taste it which I thought was hilarious because I never came.
I had sex with a really hot guy who knew what he was doing and gave me my first doggy style experience. It felt so good but not enough to push me over the edge so I faked it again. I got really good at faking coming because although sex felt really good, it never pushed me over and I didn’t know what else do to.
I had sex with a guy with a bent dick who I had no idea what he looked like when we matched because he had a motorcycle helmet on and I had a thing for motorcycles.
I didn’t have sex with the guy that owned a lot of snakes because he gave me a bad vibe but we still made out.
For some reason, I found myself back on craigslist replying to an ad for someone who wanted someone to go get sushi with. I didn’t have any friends and I really wanted sushi so I met up with his guy. He was like 400lbs easy and really tall. He was such a charmer, and I could be myself because I wasn’t intimidated by his looks and wasn’t looking to attract him for sex. Being funny does have a charm though, because we hung out a few times after that and then one day found myself in his bed with him eating me out. That was the first time a guy has ever made me come. And never again has a guy made me come from eating me out. We stopped talking after I moved away from that internship.
Before I moved away for internship, I fucked a guy that drove a mazda. He definitely had some ADHD or something he was so hyper but he smiled really big when I kissed him and I thought that was enough for me to fuck him. I fucked a guy that drove 2 hours to come over and fuck me, he was a total geek and I know he didn’t have much luck with girls but I found him endearing. I fucked a guy who stopped by my city on his way to the casino and he told me I gave him the best blowjob he ever had, he still messages me sometime but don’t worry, I don’t plan on meeting him again.
I came back to school after those 4 months. I made a fake account on tinder, not using my real name and not using any face pics so no one finds me out and fucked a few more guys. It was harder to make time with school and sneaking around home and not having my own place, but the slut in me still managed.
I fucked a guy who used me as a rebound for his breakup. He was really strong and fucked me standing up.
I gave a blowjob and had a guy eat me out who was honestly the most creepy guy ever and his apartment smelt like cigarettes. He put his dick inside me and when he pulled it out he was bleeding and it freaked me out so much I left.
I fucked a guy who was apparently a pro golfer. We drove to middle of the fields and tried to fuck outside but the mosquitoes made my back look like bubble wrap so we fucked in my van instead.
Fucked a guy on the tennis courts after the sun went down. Tried to fuck a guy who was really cute but everytime I would touch his dick, he would just come so that got old really fast.
Had a guy bail on me halfway through sucking his dick because he was so nervous he told me to leave. I felt a little bit like a whore there.
Had sushi with a really really really hot guy who drove a Silverado, and we went back to his place and smoked some weed, and fucked in his shower. I was sad he didn’t call me back but that’s okay.
Fucked a guy that was doing his PhD at my university but quickly bailed on meeting up again when I realised his supervisor is one of my professors and didn’t want my secret cover blown.
Fucked a doctor in his off hours. He had such a nice apartment, we fucked facing his mirror and it was like watching a porno of yourself.
Snuck out of my house in the middle of the night to meet this guy who I thought was a cop but wasn’t, he was just training to be a cop. And he used a toy on me that made me actually squirt. Only ever time I’ve squirted in my life, hasn’t happened again. But I stopped seeing that guy because sneaking out of my house was too much effort.
Fucked a guy on my old highschool track.
Then I met my first boyfriend. It was January of my 4th year at university. He was tall and really handsome, and there was instant physical attraction. He said I love you to me the second week of dating and we broke up 4 months later because his personality was too bland for me.
In that time period before we first met and started dating, I fucked 3 more guys; a volleyball player, some aspiring musician, and a guy who just returned from a trip to the Fiji. We went to a drive in, and he pulled in and out of me while Jake Gyllenhaal was being creepy in Nightcrawler.
When we broke up, I had moved to another city for my next internship. As soon as we broke up, I redownloaded Tinder and went at it again. Didn’t even wait a week after the breakup.
I fucked a lacrosse player who sweat so much while on top of me that I couldn’t grip his shoulders.
I fucked a guy that shaved right before meeting up with me that his hair was growing back all over the place, he was a hairy dude and left my skin red. It was like being exfoliated everywhere and it was not comfortable.
Met a really cute guy, and we kissed at the side of the beach before taking him back to my place and fucking him a few times.
Met an army vet, who got really sad that he couldn’t make me cum through oral and didn’t like wearing a condom because it numbed the sensation.
Fucked a guy that worked with me, that was a mistake. He was really nice and good looking but then he started treating me different at work and people were becoming suspicious so I had to cut it off. We still talk sometimes as friends but it’s a little awkward. He was half black so his dick was huge too.
Fucked two more guys for fun before I met my second boyfriend. He was 8 years my senior and we just clicked. He was so funny and he was so charming, we dated for almost 6 months. He said I love you to me on Valentines of last year and I took him out somewhere really special for his birthday. We never made it to my birthday but I’m sure he would have done something really nice. I loved him back, I imagined we would be together a while and maybe be together forever. But it was a dream, as much as our personalities clicked and we enjoyed each other physically, we had no future together. He had no post secondary education, and I was looking for a career. He didn’t hold a stable job and I could not bring home and atheist to meet my parents. There was too much against us to justify what was for us. So we broke up.
You and I hooked up 3 months after I broke up with my ex and we started dating. Now we are almost a year in to our relationship and I feel so satisfied with you both physically and personality wise. I think you are so special to me. You haven’t said I love you to me, and I’m kind of frustrated it’s taken you so long. But I think I am starting to really fall for you, and that’s why I wanted to get this out in words so I can move on from my past and focus on my present and future with you.
I told you that I was a slut in my past, and you didn’t care and you never brought it up because that’s just not you. I don’t know if you realise just how big of a slut I was but those days are behind me. I don’t seek gratification from men like I did before. I’ve learned to love myself and to have standards. I have goals now, I have aspirations and I know my life is more than how many guys I can attract.
I am happy with you, and I am satisfied with you and even if we were to not work out, I will not go back to these old ways. I want something more stable and I want something more permanent. Its not just about sex to me anymore, I want a life partner.
submitted by throwaway436374 to offmychest [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I am Mike McDonald, a very lucky poker player. Ask me anything

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Date: 2014-12-02
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
1) You wake up tomorrow, poker is universally banned and you have say 20k left in your bank account (aka enough to live for a bit but you gotta find a way to make money or something). What's your game plan? Its so tough to answer these.
2) You wake up tomorrow, poker is universally banned, and you have all your money still. What do you do with your time? 1) Probably move into my parents basement and go back to school 2) I don't think I'd mind this one too much. Right now I'd say to an extent I'm biding my time, not really getting much better or much worse at poker(some years I think I'm elite, some years I think I'm not as good) and somewhat procrastinating finding anything else since I know poker is pretty sweet and anything else I get into is probably just a worse version of poker. I think I'd travel a lot more and see more than just casinos, gyms and hotels, I'd likely end up doing something completely unrelated to math, gambling, money... right now I think its somewhat likely I'd start a rock climbing gym but I have no idea if climbing is a 2-5 year fad for me or a true passion I'll have for my whole life. Probably in this example my life 80% of the time is almost identical to what it is now, I just play less televised poker tournaments.
2) Has Prat gotten cuntier since you took him under your wing? 8) FMK: Scott Seiver, Mike Watson, Prat. 8) F: Scott Seiver- I'd likely need to see him the least, K: mad dog, M: Prat- I think Prat would be one of the most straight-marriable people I know. With a prenub I'd probably marry Prat for <1mill.
4) You said at some point that Lunarch is the only company you've invested in. What is the weirdest investment opportunity someone has approached you with? The second-best opportunity? How did you turn the first down and why did you turn the second down? 6) How hard did you work at poker away from the tables two years ago? Five years ago? How hard do you work now? Do you feel like you will hit a point in your learning curve, if you haven't already, where the diminishing returns on studying will be so marginal that you will put it in cruise control? Or do you think the game is still evolving too much and super high rollers are tough enough that you need to constantly be pushing ahead to keep an edge? 3) I recently checked my other inbox and a guy from Ireland invited me to come visit him for some gay sex. After he saw the read receipt he sent a big long apology explaining how he's not a gold digger, he likes my personality and explained how he ran his family business as proof he isn't a gold digger. 4) I'll come back to this one. I get asked for shit so often. At this point when someone I used to be friends with asks me if I want to get coffee I preface it by saying "just as an fyi I don't go into business with friends" since so often they want to invest my money, sell my house or steal my kidneys.
10) In five years, what do you think the highest-earning Prismata grinder will be making per year? 6) 2 years ago very hard- I was very fresh after a year off and worked quite hard 2-3 years ago. 5 years ago not so much- hence "retiring". I think stakes are high enough that small edges add up to a lot, but especially against bad opponents I feel the marginal benefits of study are often limited.
7) FMK: Xuan, Liv, Sofia Lovgren. 7) F: I'd probably F Sofia, but I don't know her so I'll be political and say F Xuan, M Liv, K Sofia.
What's the hardest you've ever been owned in a live tournament? PCA ~3 years ago. I've never played with Curt Kohlberg, but seeing as he is old I assume he just overvalues hands and doesn't trust young people like most old people in PCA.
I raise HJ-1, he calls BB, fairly shallow to begin with, maybe ~60BB deep late day 1.
Flop: AQJr, check, I bet, he checkraises I call.
Turn: 6 putting out a flush draw, he checks I bet he calls.
River: 4, he checks, I shove for maybe 3/4 of pot he just instantly says "I don't see myself being good here" and instantly folds JJ face up.
Even if I never bluff, never shove AJ, I have 10 combos QQ,AA,KTs and 9 combos AQ ( I had KTs)
Most you've ever spent on an escort? Never slept with an escort. I'm not morally opposed to it, and I think at some point in my life I fairly likely will.
The most I would spend is at least 15k.
When I was 17, I was a millionaire and a virgin and I love the show heroes. Hayden Penteiere was the hottest girl in the world to me. I was bored at my parents cottage reading people magazine and they asked her "what is your dream" and she said "to spend a night in this underwater hotel in fiji which costs 15k a night". And I remember non-nonchalantly thinking "that can be arranged".
Hey Mike, What single moment in your life had you the most tilted, and also which moment was the happiest you have felt? (Doesn't have to be poker related) A year ago I went to make a smoothie. After 45 minutes of trying to figure it out I realized my smoothie maker was broken. My room mate had recently purchase a food processor and hadn't told me it is broken but he had told me it was difficult to use. I tried running it- it didn't work. I read over the instructions, it didn't work. I read start to finish, line to line the instructions and it didn't work. I was so mad after maybe 2-2.5 hours of trying to make a smoothie that I could barely even speak.
Happiest was probably going skydiving. The adrenaline rush from that was absolutely unbelievable.
How do you deal with telling new people you meet that you play poker professionally? Any funny stories trying to convince somebody that players can have edges and it's not all luck, or stories about validating poker as a job to parents or family (particularly when you weren't yet a well-known professional)? My parents have always been very okay with poker. From an early age I remember my dad always telling me "its not always the smartest people who make the most money" and to seek out opportunities to do something unconventional.
1) Did you have it and how long did your "bad" and depressed period in poker life lasted? I was actually reasonably bummed out about poker when I was 18-19. I had focused almost exclusively on poker from ages 15-19, stopped playing sports, lost touch with many of my friends, never had a girlfriend, never went out on weekends. I pretty much just let poker consume me and while I was having some of my best learning/playing of my career it wasn't making me happy. After that I tried to make a more conscious effort to do the things I enjoy the most and to allow poker to facilitate me the freedom to do that rather than letting it consume my life.
What percentage would say being able to "read someone" is important for poker skill? Reasonably important. I think not being readable is more important, and I think just through experience you will get good at reading people. I've always been an introverted nerd who is oblivious to social queues so when I started playing poker I was clueless at the live aspect but now I can just about always predict how people feel, when people are hiding something, why someone chose particular wording etc. I think I am less of a natural than just about anyone but with thousands or tens of thousands of hours practice anyone can learn to read people.
When you won that large an amount that early on in life, did you devalue money? Did you ever have a "goddamn, I'm a degen" moment? 1) A little bit- I think I overvalued money a lot as a kid. I used to walk 20 minutes every day to pay $0.25 less for worse pizza at lunch when I was making like $40/hour online, so I think poker made me much much less of a life nit 2) As mentioned in the OP, earlier this year after my big scores in Australia I owed over 2million to my investors and all my debts were written in pencil on a hotel laundry sheet. I have a lot less degen stories than a lot of other poker players, but still some pretty degen ones. I'll post more as I think of them.
As a follow up, how chilled are investors in the poker sphere with regard to being paid back? Ridiclously chilled out. The guy who basically backs half of the nosebleed community for super high rollers is about my age and the friendliest guy imaginable.
What % do you typically sell for 10k, 50k and 100k tournaments? Generally over 30k.
Obviously you're probably not going to tell us who that is, but could you tell us anything about him (as generally as you want, if need be) i.e. what he does to be that rolled, nationality, etc? German. He's probably only worth a few million but operates a fund for about a dozen similar wealthy germans- all high stakes cash players who usually can't be bothered to play tournamentd.
What is the scummiest thing you've been a victim of a) at the poker table (e.g. angleshots)? b) off the table (e.g. scams)? A) lots of varying degrees of collusion but nothing sticks out too much. I'll come back to this if I remember anything. I guess one satellite where one table all agreed to pass the blinds around so none could bust was pretty unethical. Generally poker tournaments are reasonably well run so there aren't too many big scams.
B) off the table- probably being on the epic poker league ethics committee. I'm not used to having people lie to my face and found each meeting to be emotionally draining as I felt I was just being lied to non-stop.
How does your typical day look like? Do you play any poker nowdays? When at live tournaments I basically play poker 40-60hours a week and fill all my remaining time with lifting and rock climbing.
At home I am similarly busy during SCOOP/WCOOP but other than that I just play ~12 hours every Sunday and then throughout the week I do much of the same, spend a lot of the time with my friends/family/girlfriend, I'm over the top addicted to this video game Prismata that my friends built and basically replace poker time with Prismata time when I'm home.
Last updated: 2014-12-06 15:47 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

First Writing Prompts submission.

[WP] God has a gambling problem
The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas - 2:41 AM
“Sorry kid,” the bouncer said, not sounding sorry at all, “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”
The harsh light mounted over the back alley door revealed a shirtless, barefoot young man with sand across half his chest and a surfboard under one arm. “Please step aside. I am just here to pick up my Father. I’ll be gone in ten minutes.”
The bouncer didn’t budge from his spot in front of the door. “Did ya not hear me, kid? You gonna get herpes from some junkie’s needle if you keep walking around like that. You straight off the set of Point Break or something?”
With a soft oath, the young man glanced up and down the alley before dropping his surfboard and fishing a few bills out of his board shorts.
“Guess we are speaking the same lingo after all, kid.”
As the bouncer went to grab the cash, the door behind him slammed into his back, and a slight woman darted out and batted his hand away. “Carson! I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that. You’d be damned if the boss caught ya taking bribes.”
“Sorry Marcie.”
She gave the bouncer a quick up and down, as if to verify his sincerity, before turning to the young man, “And JC! I thought your father taught you better than that.”
“Well, he’s sure setting a great example now,” the young man muttered, as he bent to pick up his surf board from the pavement.
Marcie’s stern demeanor melted away, and she ushered the man inside to a dingy hallway. “Oh, you poor thing. How many times have I told you, call ahead if you’re coming. What are you doing, using this filthy side door?”
JC blushed, looking down at his bare feet. “I’d rather as few people as possible knew I was here. Talk about setting bad examples. Can you imagine the headlines?”
“Oh no, dear, of course. I wasn’t thinking.”
They came to a stop by a peeling door, and Marcie unlocked the door with shaking hands. “I sure am glad you’re here. The stakes are getting rather high.”
JC paused, one hand on the doorknob. “Princess Diana-high or Black Plague-high?”
Marcie grimaced and tugged the end of her graying ponytail. “I don’t know. But Michael told me they were up to transatlantic flights before your dad kicked him and Gabe out an hour ago.”
“Looks like we’ll both be cleaning up messes tonight. Bless you, Marcie.”
He pushed open the door and emerged into a gambler’s paradise. Tables for roulette, blackjack and pool were strewn across the floor seemingly without end, and a glittering onyx bar beginning near the door faded into the smoky blackness of the room. Scantily clad waitresses strutted back and forth, carrying trays of drinks into the darkness, but all of them gave a card table near the bar a wide berth. JC headed there.
One of the men at the table went to pour both occupants more scotch and caught sight of the furious young surfer. With a disappointed sigh, he asked “Jesus, you couldn’t take two seconds to put on a shirt before visiting?”
The other man threw back his scotch. “JC’s in Fiji, surfing. Speaking of which, I raise you Kiribati.If I win this hand, you have to delay it from sinking into the sea for another hundred years.”
JC clasped a hand around his Father’s, stopping him from shoving more chips into the center of the pockmarked table. “Actually, Dad, I’m right here. And you really need to stop gambling with people’s lives.”
“Oh come now,” the other man said, swirling his scotch. “Your father knows what he’s doing. And he’s been winning all night. Why not now?”
“Yeah, JC,” slurred God, turning around to face his son. “It’s my lucky night.”
JC hooked his hands under his father’s arms and pulled him upright. “Come on Dad. What would Mom say if she saw you like this?”
“I think dear Mary would realize that the ends justify the means. Your father stopped a school shooting in St. Louis, a mine collapse in Peru and a train derailment in Helsinki.”
JC glared at the smug man across the table from his father. “Shut up, Uncle Luc. Nobody asked you.”
Lucifer swept up God’s fallen hand and shuffled the deck. “Then I will see you next time, old sport. Don’t look at me like that, Jesus. There will be a next time. You of all people know how very…tempting I can be.”
JC dragged his father out of Lucifer’s den of inequity, past waitresses scrupulously avoiding eye contact, past a relieved Marcie and a stunned Carson, and into a waiting limo in the alley.
As the limo pulled away, God poured himself a scotch from the mini bar “My car…”
JC leaned back into the plush upholstery. “I’ll tell Gabriel to pick it up tomorrow, when he settles your tab.”
God looked out the window, as the lights of Las Vegas flashed by. “Didn’t you have a surfboard a minute ago?”
“Don’t change the subject Dad.”
Both Father and Son watched the replica Statue of Liberty emerge from between two high rises as the limo swung onto the freeway.
“You know, the Isère, the French ship bearing the Statue of Liberty, was doomed to sink while crossing the Atlantic. But I won its safe passage in a single hand of Blackjack with Satan.”
“Yeah, Dad, I know. But you also lost the Titanic, and the Sultana and the Le Joola.” Jesus ran a hand through his long hair, showering his shoulders and the seat with sand. “And now it’s not just boats, now it’s trains and cars and planes, Dad!”
“Jesus, I know, I know. Sometimes I dig myself into a hole. I lose big, and people blame me. ‘Oh God, why did you let this tornado destroy my house?’ Well, I had a straight, but Lucifer had a full house. But I win a lot too, and almost nobody notices when I win. The media doesn’t have a field day with a troubled kid who decides to seek counseling instead of taking a gun to class, or a storm that never happens.”
“Well maybe we should have a weekly bulletin. ‘Dear Christian Faithful, this week, God won some lives playing poker, read about it on page 3.”
God ignored his sarcastic son. “And is it a moral burden, that some people have died because of my actions, while others have lived? Of course, but none of them would have existed but for me. I am no stranger to the weight of life and death. Perhaps my methods are unbecoming. Perhaps gambling is a vice. Yet, humans gamble with their lives everyday, so why shouldn’t I get to join in the fun?
God laughed bitterly. “No, no, no. I just wish…I just wanted to help ease the suffering of humanity. I played the Devil’s game. I will never forgive myself for the bargains I have made, for the bets I have placed, but I could never have forgiven myself if I hadn’t taken the opportunity to perhaps change the world for the better.”
“Nice monologue Dad. No wonder nobody goes to church anymore. You’re all doom and gloom.”
“Well that’s not true,” God snapped, sobriety abruptly returning. “Number’s have been up ever since Francis took office.”
“Whatever Dad,” Jesus stood up in the limo, space bending to accommodate this movement. “I’m going back to Fiji. Have fun telling Mom where you go every Friday night. Spoiler alert: I already told her you weren’t at Bible study.” And Jesus vanished with a completely unnecessary crack.
God glared at the spot where his Son had been just moments ago. “I already knew that! I’m omniscient!” Of course, the sand his Son had left behind gave no response. “Crap.”
Even though only a few hours have gone by, I can already tell that long-windedness is a serious problem of mine. Not every detail or "witticism" that crosses my mind needs to make it onto the page (or at least shouldn't survive to the final draft [not that this is a final draft]).
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